Kanakambara blooms!

You bring home flowering plants from the nursery and they look so great for a few days. But don’t you just hate it when the first blooms dry away and then they never flower again?! But these trusty kanakambaras bloomed…again! Oh joy 🙂

kanakambara 2

Against the pot holder that’s also a candle holder

kanakambara 3

The tree of life

kanakambara 4

Little dragonflies for company

Diwali 2010

In keeping with the enthu at The Keybunch’s Diwali carnival, here’s hoping you folk had a safe and fun Diwali! It’s ending on a very very wet note here in Bengaluru… what rains! Its helped keep the pollution level down though I think, and that’s always good.


Starting with a diya

lamp flowers

My fave lamp


Threaded chandu hoovu, mallige and light


-Lilies and gerberas..loved the pink!

more lamps

tea light holders from Meena



Meena’s diyas 🙂


Katte holder again


Meena’s and Hema’s diyas